〇えび天 並
盛[regular size] 1595円
盛[large size] 1815円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with shrimp tempura
〇かき揚げ天ぷら 935円 1155円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with mixed-vegetable tempura
〇山菜 1045円 1265円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with various wild vegetables
〇たぬき 1045円 1265円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with crunchy pieces of fried tempura batter
〇わさび菜 1100円 1320円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with wasabina
〇鴨南蛮 1375円 1595円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with duck and green onions
〇イベリコかけ 1375円 1595円
Soba noodles in a hot soup with iberico pork